The Assassination of George Tiller

Justice served in the wrong way.

Mark Escalera
6 min readSep 5, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

A little over eleven years ago, George Tiller was murdered in cold blood. Here are a few thoughts from a biblical perspective and a reflection on the devastation that I have seen stemming from abortion on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

George Tiller was the abortionist who bragged about being willing and having practiced even late-term (3rd trimester) abortions more than 60,000 times in his blood-filled career.

Who is wrong and who is right in the current battle? Is it the pro-choice or the pro-life camp? Each claim to have God on their side (especially the liberal religious pro-choice groups) even as evidenced by Tiller’s hypocritical service on Sundays as an usher in a Lutheran Church. On the other hand, even evangelicals in the pro-life camp do not always see the big picture and get sucked into the philosophy of the world in attempt to justify certain actions.

However, what does God say in His Holy Word? The principle in no uncertain terms is this — two wrongs never make a right!

What and who was wrong? Let’s look at a few points to consider.

1. The Old Testament law made it clear that those who shed blood by man would their blood be shed. Yes, we recognize that this was given under a theocracy and…



Mark Escalera

From England. Married 35 years. 5 children and 2 grandchildren. Lived overseas 17 years in Iceland, the UK, and Liberia, West Africa. Writer for 3 publications.