To Pack or Not to Pack?

Mark Escalera
6 min readJul 16, 2021

Need Help Moving? — Part 2

Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash

It is with a fair amount of certainty that the great William Shakespeare must have moved more than once when he wrote these immortal words in the draft version of Hamlet.

The original play was about a person who considered moving from the Kingdom of Denmark to Westeros or Narnia, but he could not decide whether to put up with the Dragon Queen or the White Witch.

To pack or not to pack? That is the question. Is it nobler to suffer through all the terrible things a move throws at you, or to fight off your worries, and, in doing so, to move once again?

That undiscovered country, which we wonder about and which makes us prefer the troubles of moving rather than stay in our current place? The fear of moving makes us all shed many tears, and our desire to move is made weak because of too much packing.

Of course, Hamlet eventually concludes with —

Alas, poor U-Haul, I knew thee well!

Seriously, you have finally made the decision to move and you know where you want to go. Your research has determined that the new place is much more suited to the needs of you and your family. This may include better job opportunities, more freedoms and choices in schooling your children, the ability to get free ranges eggs and milk…



Mark Escalera

From England. Married 35 years. 5 children and 2 grandchildren. Lived overseas 17 years in Iceland, the UK, and Liberia, West Africa. Writer for 3 publications.